IPC-IG works on a new project related to the state of social protection in Bahrain

Photo: Merin Abebe/Canva

The International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG), in partnership with the United Nations Resident Coordination Office in Bahrain (RCO), has been developing a diagnostic paper on the state of social protection in Bahrain.

The report takes stock of the country’s social protection system, analyses recent trends—including the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, achievements, and potential gaps, while also considering interlinkages with different development issues in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

It is also meant to contribute to the update of the 2020 Common Country Analysis (CCA) and inform the next UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (SCF), through which the UN outlines how it will contribute to reaching the Bahrain Economic Vision 2030, the Government Action Plan 2019-2022, and the SDGs.

Fabio Veras Soares (Ipea/IPC-IG) and Maya Hammad (IPC-IG) are part of the team involved in the project, working in close collaboration with UN System focal points in Bahrain.