The webinar series on social protection in South Asia comes to an end

A woman holding a baby


On 22 October 2020, the last session of the webinar series "Social protection in South Asia - the landscape before COVID-19, a snapshot into responses to the crisis and the paths ahead" was delivered, organised by the IPC-IG and UNICEF´s Regional Office for South Asia (ROSA) and hosted by the platform. It discussed a broad set of features, ranging from social expenditure profiles, legal frameworks for child-sensitive social protection, the design of flagship initiatives and how child and gender-sensitive they are. It also surveyed the main COVID-19 responses in the region.


The series is part of a larger project developed by the IPC-IG and UNICEF ROSA and introduced the main findings of the initiative´s five comparative studies, which provide an in-depth analysis of the region’s social protection landscape. The studies were then discussed from a regional and comparative perspective. The series later presented in-depth, country-specific policy takeaways and social protection trends before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Each webinar provided novel insights into the characteristics of social protection in the region’s various countries and presented key takeaways for policymakers in South Asia and beyond to design effective, efficient, and well-informed policies. 


If you missed any of the sessions, you can still watch the recordings, read the summaries or review the presentations:


You can also access the playlist with all of the recordings on IPC-IG's YouTube channel.

You can find the webinars's recordings here: Non-contributory Social Protection in South Asia from a child, equity and gender perspective - YouTube