Associated Factors Contributing to Child Stunting in Yemen

Author: LaetĂ­cia Rodrigues de Souza
Thematic Area: Social Protection

Abstract:"Malnutrition is part of a vicious cycle involving associated underlying factors, which means that undernourishment is related not only to biological but also social aspects. As the causes of child malnutrition are complex, there are several models explaining its determinants. We have adapted the conceptual framework developed by Hien and Hoa (2009), which provides a way of understanding how different factors affecting child malnutrition may be connected. This framework allows us to verify how distal factors may operate through intermediate and proximal factors to affect children’s nutritional status, so that the characteristics associated with child malnutrition in Yemen are disaggregated into three groups"(...)

Keywords:Associated Factors, Child Stunting, Yemen
Publication Date:
Type/Issue:One Pager/295

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